While still under construction, BollyDoll is already drawing international attention. Inspired by the epic Hindu story of the universe, BollyDoll fuses storytelling, music and design resulting in licensed products in tandem with brands like The Accessories Group (YakPak), cosmetics, home furnishings (Illy) and a line of clothing to be launched next year. The current site reveals chapter one of the epic tale, provides original accompanying music and showcases new character-based products as they are released. The association with Illy, the luxury Italian coffee and high-end design resource, will be announced at Art Basel in Miami, November 30 2011  including a live simulcast performance with Timbaland  announcing the formation of the real life BollyDoll musical group. While still under construction, BollyDoll represents a tour de force in creating brands based entirely on creativity  largely driven by the art of storytelling.
Go to and watch the brand reveal its extensions and the ultimate augmented reality branding.
BollyDoll for Yak Pak on ShopNBC Video