The Book
Cover Art Courtesy of Karim Rashid

The Portfolio

The Person

When Redken 5th Avenue, N.Y.C. Introduced CAT shampoo, I humanized the technological elements of the brand by playing on literal allusion to cats ­ as in cats and dogs. This ad campaign was used throughout Australia in conjunction with heavy radio support. The first ad, depicting a dog on one side and a technical explanation of the positive effects of cationic proteins on the other was geared towards salons. The second ad, utilizes the power of celebrity plus a reference to the B2B campaignto attract consumer attention.


When Redken moved to New York from , the company elected to leverage the fashion image of New York to further promote the brand¹s prestige. Responsible for Redken¹s European markets, I leveraged this associate utiilizing iconic American models such as this image of Amber Valletta. I also changed the tag line From ³Beauty Through Science to ³Redken N.Y.C.²

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